Sunday, March 26, 2017


She doesn't look like me one bit. Which sometimes makes me sad😞 theres something strange about growing a human, birthing a human and raising a human that leaves u wishing u could see some part of you reflected in them. Then I remind my self that the best things I can have her reflect are kindness, compassion, humility, love and intelligence and while I dont always feel like im succeeding I hope some day she will see her self in the mirror and see me too.😌😚

Sunday, January 1, 2017


When you wake up in the morning and your milk is not yet ready. haha

World peace baby! you rock.

why my food so far?  I can't reach it.  Mom please pass to me my food.

When your sick and tired to your Mom taking photo of you

My princess very first make up tutorial. .i see many more of these in the future.. Lol 

When ever I feel bored, I do this, you can try it.

Morning shower.

This chocolate is mine! mine! miinnnnnnnnnneeeee!

Thursday, December 1, 2016


A whole year of your giggles. 365 days of waking up to ur beautiful smile. 52 weeks of adventure with u. Everyday I wake up with joy in my heart that you were given to me. You've truly taught me to cherish life in every way. May your special day and every single day bring u as much happiness as u are bringing to all of us. Here's to many more years of this incredible and beautiful journey together. Happy birthday my princess Alexia, I love you far beyond what words can describe.

Thank you Lord for giving me another year of life and thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending gifts and good wishes.

Sitting and chillin like she own this place.. Her first birthday get away in Subic, Philippines

Friday, November 25, 2016


As you get older you find out that true happiness is not in how much you make, or how many degrees u have, or how big your house is, or how fancy your car is, it's finding peace and joy, and a calmness in your life that will soon become the most important thing to you. Your family is what really matters to you, love is what matters to you. Things that are of quality, not quantity.

Her love for being outdoors is growing stronger and the moment I take her outside (I do it daily now and sometimes twice a day) she is in her happy place..I have never seen a baby love being outside so much..

My baby girl will be turning one this coming weekend and i just cannot really wrap my mind around planning a small and simple birthday celebration for her with just our family and there's so much i need to accomplish. I'll try to take it a day at a time and i pray it all falls into place. i want her day to be sweet and special just like she is.

She teaches me so much everyday even when the lessons are hard and reveal not so pretty parts of me I need to change, im grateful for them all.. This journey with her makes me stronger and fills me with humility and gratitude everyday.