Friday, September 30, 2016


Happy TEN months old my little lady.. Time has flown way too fast since ur beautiful birth. As I’ve said before, u were like a two month old instead of a newborn when u were born, and you have continued to seem wiser and more capable than I ever expect each and every month.
Each day, I try not to take for granted ur resilience, cheer, sparkle, and beauty. I am fascinated by your ability to see nea
rly everything as wonderful and humorous. Ur smile can light up any moment, and your laugh is now the regular soundtrack of the house.
Thank you for filling my days with so many smiles. I love waking up to ur laughter and beaming face each day, feeling ur tight hugs, and watching ur determination every day.
I will be savoring these last moments of babyhood with you, although no matter how fast you’re intent upon growing up, you’re always going to be Mama’s special, little baby..

Thursday, September 1, 2016


9 months of joy with this little miss independent busy silly baby and i can't even believe how much joy she brings me just by being. Every day is a new adventure with you my baby girl and i really look forward to many adventures with u as u grow.. happy 9th months old my sweet girl i love you.

Day one at her 9 months, good job my little girl.. mom so proud of you..