Thursday, December 1, 2016


A whole year of your giggles. 365 days of waking up to ur beautiful smile. 52 weeks of adventure with u. Everyday I wake up with joy in my heart that you were given to me. You've truly taught me to cherish life in every way. May your special day and every single day bring u as much happiness as u are bringing to all of us. Here's to many more years of this incredible and beautiful journey together. Happy birthday my princess Alexia, I love you far beyond what words can describe.

Thank you Lord for giving me another year of life and thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending gifts and good wishes.

Sitting and chillin like she own this place.. Her first birthday get away in Subic, Philippines

Friday, November 25, 2016


As you get older you find out that true happiness is not in how much you make, or how many degrees u have, or how big your house is, or how fancy your car is, it's finding peace and joy, and a calmness in your life that will soon become the most important thing to you. Your family is what really matters to you, love is what matters to you. Things that are of quality, not quantity.

Her love for being outdoors is growing stronger and the moment I take her outside (I do it daily now and sometimes twice a day) she is in her happy place..I have never seen a baby love being outside so much..

My baby girl will be turning one this coming weekend and i just cannot really wrap my mind around planning a small and simple birthday celebration for her with just our family and there's so much i need to accomplish. I'll try to take it a day at a time and i pray it all falls into place. i want her day to be sweet and special just like she is.

She teaches me so much everyday even when the lessons are hard and reveal not so pretty parts of me I need to change, im grateful for them all.. This journey with her makes me stronger and fills me with humility and gratitude everyday.

Sunday, October 30, 2016


I can’t believe this is the last monthly letter to you before your first birthday.
So, lets talk about this month. I have to say, and I know I have said it before, but this is my FAVORITE age! You are a ball of energy and I can’t get enough of you. I am so so blessed to be your mama. To wake up to your smiling face and bed head each morning. To be able to rock and sing to you 
before each nap during the day and steal as many baby kisses as I want. I could never have enough words to express how much I love you and how special you make me feel day in and out. 
I feel like this month you’re starting to change from my baby to a toddler. You’re standing, and taking a few steps. I know you will be walking in no time. And as much as I love seeing you learn new things, I don’t know if I’m ready for it. You are a pro at feeding yourself, you play with your toys on your own and are starting not to need me as much as you did in the previous months. You have such a vibrant personality. You flirt with EVERYONE and ANYONE who will look your way. You’re definitely a busy body, I have NO IDEA where you get that from..
One of my favorite things about this month is your ability to show us your love. You give kisses and hugs all the time. When I rock you before you go down for naps, you gently stroke my arm with your itty bitty fingers and my heart melts. Every. Single. Day. When I walk in the room you have the BIGGEST smile on your face and squeal. There is just no better feeling in the world. Over the next four weeks I will be soaking up every moment of the end of your first year.
I love you to the moon and back my little Love..

Friday, September 30, 2016


Happy TEN months old my little lady.. Time has flown way too fast since ur beautiful birth. As I’ve said before, u were like a two month old instead of a newborn when u were born, and you have continued to seem wiser and more capable than I ever expect each and every month.
Each day, I try not to take for granted ur resilience, cheer, sparkle, and beauty. I am fascinated by your ability to see nea
rly everything as wonderful and humorous. Ur smile can light up any moment, and your laugh is now the regular soundtrack of the house.
Thank you for filling my days with so many smiles. I love waking up to ur laughter and beaming face each day, feeling ur tight hugs, and watching ur determination every day.
I will be savoring these last moments of babyhood with you, although no matter how fast you’re intent upon growing up, you’re always going to be Mama’s special, little baby..

Thursday, September 1, 2016


9 months of joy with this little miss independent busy silly baby and i can't even believe how much joy she brings me just by being. Every day is a new adventure with you my baby girl and i really look forward to many adventures with u as u grow.. happy 9th months old my sweet girl i love you.

Day one at her 9 months, good job my little girl.. mom so proud of you..

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Saturday, July 30, 2016


This cute little girl is 8 months old today. She's changed so much in the past month.. She transitions from laying down to sitting so well,scoots across the floor, rocks back and forth on her hands and knees, standing with support and says mama all day long and becoming a pro at finger food😂.. Today we celebrate all of these milestone with a trip to tomsworld!!🎆🎉🚼 Love this girl more and more each day..😘 #8monthsold🎉
 inlove with this funny little girl..From the moment I kissed your little hand in the hospital until this moment as you sit on the carpet playing with your toys and biting anything you could get your hands on! And I promise to keep loving you forever and ever.

Thursday, June 30, 2016


This cute little girl is seven months old today and she loves all the food she's tried, kisses and armpit tickles..
I love you little munchkin.. u are just the sweetest little thing ever.

Monday, May 30, 2016


This cute little girl is six months old today! Shes so curious wanting to touch everything, shes been loving every new food shes tried and smile real big when a bottle heads her way. Shes Flippin and floppin and doesn't stay in one place. .and seriously happy 95% of the time. People tell me all the time what a calm, happy even tempered baby she is and it makes me so proud that shes my girl..
Happy half birthday my princess. .I love you.

Friday, May 13, 2016


This girl is my joy shes everything I never thought I would ever have, tonight as I put her to bed & sang to her I couldn't help but get emotional and think about what a miracle she is to me..She is such a happy girl. I could have never imagined having such a great child, she gives me new purpose in life and challenges me to be a better person. I've lost alot in the last few years and it definitely isn't what I wanted but im so thankful to have her, to remind me that life has such beautiful potential even in the most unsure of times.. I love you my princess.

Saturday, April 30, 2016


My princess is five months old today. Her hobbies include giving mama kisses, touching everything within her reach, singing with tailor swift, rolling over, holding her own bottle, dramatic fake coughing, enjoying the wind in her face and fart noises hehe.. She loves everyone she meets & gives people big smiles.. She's 16 lbs & 25 inches inches long and I love her more than anything in the world. .happy 5th months little lady.. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


My baby girl is 4 months old today! She is just happy as ever, loves everyone she meets, tells stories and sing along with me.. i am enjoying being her mama way more than i could have ever imagined.. i love you my princess..

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


This pretty little lady is 3 months old today! hard to believe for this new mama, but it's true. time really does fly.....and i'm not sure if that makes me happy [because everyday she grows more and more into this beautiful sweet girl that i love getting to know] or sad [because it's just going by too fast, if you know what i mean. She's supposed to be tiny forever right?]. My sweet baby Dont grow up so fast please.

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Oh my goodness, my beautiful daughter. My love for you has intensified and getting to know you each and every day has been so much fun. You're becoming so much more alert and taking in the world. Seeing you look around at your surroundings and learn is amazing. I am cherishing the moments with you. You've changed so much since the day we took you home from the hospital. Your beautiful eyes are open so much longer during the day, you are learning to "talk", smile, and respond to us. I stare at you often because it's still hard for me to believe that you are a part of me, that those arms and legs developed and grew inside my body. I feel a special connection to you, and it warms my soul to think that you are my daughter. I am still getting used to the idea that I have a daughter and I am a mom. I am so thankful for you, my baby girl happy 2nd month old I love you..