Sunday, October 30, 2016


I can’t believe this is the last monthly letter to you before your first birthday.
So, lets talk about this month. I have to say, and I know I have said it before, but this is my FAVORITE age! You are a ball of energy and I can’t get enough of you. I am so so blessed to be your mama. To wake up to your smiling face and bed head each morning. To be able to rock and sing to you 
before each nap during the day and steal as many baby kisses as I want. I could never have enough words to express how much I love you and how special you make me feel day in and out. 
I feel like this month you’re starting to change from my baby to a toddler. You’re standing, and taking a few steps. I know you will be walking in no time. And as much as I love seeing you learn new things, I don’t know if I’m ready for it. You are a pro at feeding yourself, you play with your toys on your own and are starting not to need me as much as you did in the previous months. You have such a vibrant personality. You flirt with EVERYONE and ANYONE who will look your way. You’re definitely a busy body, I have NO IDEA where you get that from..
One of my favorite things about this month is your ability to show us your love. You give kisses and hugs all the time. When I rock you before you go down for naps, you gently stroke my arm with your itty bitty fingers and my heart melts. Every. Single. Day. When I walk in the room you have the BIGGEST smile on your face and squeal. There is just no better feeling in the world. Over the next four weeks I will be soaking up every moment of the end of your first year.
I love you to the moon and back my little Love..

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